Friday, November 21, 2014

Five for Friday: Turkeys, Turkeys, Turkeys and Almost Famous

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching because it's Friday!  Woo freakin' hoo!  My week was full of turkeys and brushes with fame!

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My students did a great job disguising turkeys.  Here are a few of my faves:

A ballerina.

An old lady.  When another student asked why he chose an old lady he said, "I don't know, my mom did it."  Bahaha!

A bush.  I like this one because it's so random. A bush?

A peacock.

A rooster.

My kiddos are so creative!

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We also discussed what it means to be thankful.  After several days of guided writing, draft writing, and editing, we made these turkeys.  Each feather lists something the student is thankful for.  You can download the templates here:  Thanks Ms. Reed!

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We also learned about the first Thanksgiving.  Listen to my kids tell the story - they did such a great job!

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We also had a few brushes with fame.  First, there was a local news article about how we use Class Dojo in our classroom.  The kids were soooo excited to see themselves in the paper (even if it was just their name on the Class Dojo screen!)

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We were also featured on GoNoodle's first kid led brain break!  You should've heard the shouts when the kids noticed themselves in the video.  I thought the principal was going to come running into our room for sure!

You have to have a GoNoodle account to watch the video.  If you aren't already a user, I highly suggest this site!  It has preloaded brain breaks for your kids to enjoy.  It's pretty great!

Have a fabulous weekend!


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Liebster Award

I’ve been nominated by Mica at The Positively Polka Dotted Teacher for the Liebster Award. 

You may find yourself asking, “What the heck is the Liebster Award?”  I know I was!   It’s pretty simple.   When a person is nominated for the Liebster Award, first they answer a few questions about themselves.  Afterwards, they nominate 11  additional bloggers with fewer than 200 followers for the award.  Basically it’s like a chain award.  It helps new bloggers become acquainted with the blogging world.  Anyway, here are my answers to the 11 questions:

1.    Why and how long ago did you start blogging?
I’ve been a fan of teaching blogs since the beginning of my teaching career.  Blogs allow the global teaching community to connect and share.  I love reading what teachers across the country, or even the world, are doing with their students.  While reading, I always find inspiration and ideas for my own classroom.
I started blogging in June because I wanted to become a full-fledged member of the blogging community.  I didn’t want to take other people’s ideas without contributing some of my own.

2.    What one word sums up the heart of your blog and why?
Hmmm…. That’s a tough one!   I’m going to go with engaged.
Not only does Glamour and Glue Sticks help me stay engaged with the blogging community, but it also helps me stay engaged with my students.  When I write posts, I have time to reflect on lessons and other things that happen in my classroom.  I am able to think about what works best for students and what needs some tweaking. 
Also, I like to post about lessons that kept my students engaged.
Engaged seems to cover every aspect.

3.    Is there something you learned late in your blog journey you wished you knew before?
I’ve learned that it’s okay if every post isn’t perfect.  I suppose I’ve always known this, but putting it into practice is hard work!  I like to upload lots of pictures, add lots of detail, and edit, edit, edit. 
I’m trying to come to terms with writing shorter posts with fewer pictures.  Otherwise, blogging takes up too much time, I get overwhelmed, and then I give up (as I have the past month or two!)

4.    What is your favorite pass time other than blogging?
Traveling is my favorite pass time.  I enjoy all sorts of travel: long trips, short trips, trips to far away places, trips in planes, road trips… I like pretty much any and all sorts of adventures.  My boyfriend blogs about these travel adventures at  You should check it out!  This December we’ll be exploring several countries in the Caribbean: Antigua, St. Lucia, Dominica, and St. Vincent.  I can’t wait!
Here we are at Disney World.
5.    How many hours per week do you dedicate to your blog?
Lately, I’m sad to say, it’s been 0.  However, at my peak I suppose I was dedicating four or five hours a week.  It takes a lot of time writing posts, adding pictures, and editing.  Not to mention the time spent reading everyone else’s blogs!
Hopefully, this post will inspire me to get back into the swing of blogging!

6.    What category of blog posts do you enjoy the most?
I like to read posts about organization tips/tricks. 

7.    Where does your blog inspiration come from?
My inspiration comes from fellow bloggers, and not only teacher bloggers, but also my dad and boyfriend. 
My dad was one of the first to join the blogging community way back in 2004.  His blog,, made quite a stir in the blawgosphere community. 
Also, as I’ve already mentioned, my boyfriend has a blog where he posts about his travel experiences.  It’s so fun to go back and read about our adventures!  I think it’ll be almost as fun to go back and read about my experiences in the classroom.
Here I am with my dad and boyfriend (and my sister too!)
8.    Which post that you’ve written are you most proud of?
I’m my post proud of my 5 for Friday posts.  These posts allow me plenty of space to share my classroom experiences.  They also give me a place to write about things happening outside of school.

9.    Is there any post you’ve been planning to do but have been postponing?
I’m planning to create a package of resources to use with the kindergarten Envisions math curriculum.  This is my first year using the Envisions curriculum, and I’m finding myself creating lots of extra pieces to help my students.  For example, I create a Smart Board presentation to go with each lesson.  I’ve also created take-home and Smart Board reviews for each unit.  I’m hoping to organize these and publish them on TPT.  When that happens, I’ll of course have to write a post about it.

10. What is your favorite aspect of blogging?
Sharing ideas, tips, and tricks with other teachers.

11. Which recipe, project, or idea on my blog would you most likely try yourself?
I just read Mica’s post about Cosmic Kids Yoga.  It sounds pretty cool!  I think I’ll give it a shot tomorrow.

The Rules:
Now that you’ve been nominated here are the official rules for accepting:
1.     In your post link back to the blogger who nominated you as a thank you and “shout out.”
2.     Answer the 11 questions I answered above.
3.     Nominate 11 blogs that have fewer than 200 followers each.  Have them answer the questions above.
4.     Let your nominees know they’ve been nominated and provide them with a link back to your post, so that they can accept.
5.     Send your nominator a link to your post so he/she can learn about you.

My nominations:
Kacie from Selling the Sizzle
Hannah from The Classroom Key
Victoria at Teach with a Smile
Heather from Mrs. Renz’s Class
Miss Case from Miss Case’s Classroom