Thursday, July 10, 2014

It's July!

When we were younger I always irritated my brother by reminding him of the impending school year as soon as the firework show ended. "You know now that the 4th of July is over, school's about to start, right?"  I'd tease.  That feeling is long gone for him but for me it still applies.  It's hard to believe there's only a month until the first day of school!

I know I'm a little late, but I'm linking up with Oh Boy Fourth Grade to share with you what I've been up to.

Listening:  We're finally all moved in to our new apartment, and it has a dishwasher!  Alleluia!  After spending the last year or so without a dishwasher, I'm thrilled to let a machine do all the hard work.

Loving:  With the move came a new school.  I have had one day of new teacher meetings, and so far I love it!  The whole district seems so, so, so organized.  We have a faculty handbook that outlines what to do in every situation from retaining a child to throwing a baby shower for a colleague.  I'm serious, they've thought of everything!  On top of the organization, they are also very technology friendly.  For example, one of new teacher trainings was flipped.  Instead of spending a day in boring meetings, we watched videos at home that pertained to our particular interests and grade level.  I couldn't be more excited!

Thinking:  Thanks to dishwasher mentioned above, I've been cooking much more frequently.  For lunch today I made cinnamon-butter spaghetti squash.  It was delicious.  I'm thinking Caprese salad and shrimp for dinner.

Wanting:  I'm anxiously awaiting for the maintenance crew to finish in our classrooms.  I want to start unpacking my boxes.

Needing:  There's a spinning class at the Y starting in a half an hour.  I know I should go, but I just want to keep blogging!

4th Plans:  John and I were in San Antonio for the 4th.  We went to the Alamo and strolled the Riverwalk.  Later in the day we saw fireworks over the downtown skyline.  Very fun!  


  1. Ah, the maintenance crew! They wax our floors and it never fails that it is on the days I want in! Last summer I went in and out through my classroom window because they had 'waxed' me in! Hope you have a great last month of summer!
    No. 2 Pencils

  2. Hi Lydia!
    Your new classroom looks nice and big. Where did you teach before you moved?
    I wish you all the best at your new school.

    1. Thank you JB! I taught in an urban district in St. Louis, and now I'll be teaching in a rural district in Southwestern Missouri. I can see cows out of my classroom window!

