With the start of a new school year comes several "must read" books. One of these is First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg.
The book begins on the morning of the first day of school. Mr. Hartwell argues with Sarah about getting out of bed. Sarah complains that she is scared to start a new school and wants to stay in bed all day.
Sarah hides under the covers, claiming a stomachache, and refuses to come downstairs for breakfast. Mr. Hartwell doesn't know what to do.
Eventually he coaxes Sarah downstairs and into the car. Sarah continues to worry as they approach the school. The principal meets Sarah at the door and shows her to her new classroom. Upon arriving she finds a big group of students waiting for her.
And here comes the big surprise... Sarah is the teacher!
My kiddos always get a big kick out of the surprise ending. One of my sweet boys said, "What?! Teachers don't get scared!" He just couldn't believe it.
After reading the book we do several fun activities from Babbling Abby's Crazy for Kinders pack.
Of course we drink Jitter Juice! I simplify the original recipe and just use two ingredients: Sprite and sprinkles. I put a Jitter Juice label on a bottle of Sprite and pour it into the students' cups. I tell them that the magic ingredient is sprinkles. I walk around and add sprinkles to every cup. They love watching as the sprinkles dissolve and the Sprite turns a multitude of colors. It really does seem like magic!
I also have the students decorate a poem about Jitter Juice. The take the poem home and share it with their parents.
If you want to add a math component, some teachers have their students create a graph showing how many students liked Jitter Juice and how many didn't.
This is a great book for discussing those first day jitters!
If you don't have a copy of the book, you can find it for free on Youtube!
What books do you like to share during the first weeks of school?
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