Sunday, August 3, 2014

High and Low

I'm linking up with Julie from A First for Everything to tell you about my highs and lows for the week. 

My sister visited this week to help me get my classroom ready.  She was so helpful!  She helped me laminate, cut, hang things, label binders, and everything else I asked of her.

On Tuesday we decided to take a little break from the classroom and headed to a nearby casino.  She just turned 18, so it was her first gamblin' experience.  I'm happy to report she left $1.65 richer!

We also visited a pretty garden in Kansas City.

I'm working on a Couch Potato to 5K program through the Y, and it's starting to get difficult.  The class is on Wednesdays, and this week it was raining, so I skipped.  On top of that my sister was here, so I fell out of my routine.  Today the assignment was run for 3 minutes, walk for 3 minutes and repeat 5 times.  Running for 3 minutes is a lot harder than running for 1!  By the end, I was beat!
I hope it gets easier!!

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